Make Tasks Disappear Like Magic

Finderr is a productivity app that uses AI to speed up repetitive tasks. No coding, APIs, or magic wands required.

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Generate a list of blog post ideas related to Tesla car company for the upcoming month. Present your ideas with the precision and flair of a Harvard MBA graduate.
Weekly on Monday
What is

To: John

Subject: Viral Tesla Posts That Will Skyrocket Engagement!

Show me one tough yoga challenge that'll really test my strength and flexibility. Let's see how far I can push my limits. Add a link to a video or post.
Monthly on first Monday

To: Jennifer

Subject: Ready for Your Next Yoga Challenge?

Analyze conversion rates over the past 30 days. Deliver a detailed report and actionable tasks for the team.
Weekly on Tuesday
What is Easy Bank AI
Easy Bank analytics

To: Andrew

Subject: Eye-Opening Insights from Conversion Rate Analysis

Get Stuff Done, Finally!

Finderr is here to save you time - a lot of time! Decide when and how to manage your tasks, from household chores and family to-dos to work projects. All it takes are your prompts and the frequency to clear your view of who’s doing what and what needs to get done.

Featured Integrations

Turn your data into actions
Google Analytics 4
Google Search Console
Google Lighthouse

A Productivity Powerhouse

Simple, flexible, and powerful, Finderr is the perfect space for planning and team collaboration. Consider it your go-to for bringing everyone together. The AI takes the routine out of your day, giving you exactly what you need, right when you need it.

How Does It Work

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